News and EventsFriday February 5th, 20160

Solar Power comes to the Show Room

The new kind of solar product is now available in the Afrikanet’s Showroom in Cameroun. Soon, you could fit out your house with solar light or save money adding solar panels at your electric network. The Afrikanet’s Showroom has products for everyone. We will show you a large kind of cameras indoor, outdoor and of solar light like desk light, spot l …

News and EventsWednesday November 25th, 20150

What happened with Amos 5!

Something wrong happened on Saturday above the Earth! Contact with the Israeli communications satellite Amos 5 was lost on Saturday 21th November. Launched in 2011, Amos 5 was in geostationary orbit over Africa. Its coverage extends over Africa, Europe and Middle East. This satellite is regarded as playing a major role in Africa’s emerging satellite …

Products & ServicesFriday May 22nd, 20150

The importance of Internet Today…

What Happens online in 60 seconds ? We can see that all over the year Internet becomes more and more important to people. More and more people tend to use the internet more often. This data are true all over the world. But in this data do you think there is a lot of people come from Africa ? I don’t think so. That’s why AFRIKANET develops his busines …

Technology : how to use it ?Tuesday April 28th, 20150

Hotspot in the neighborhood

Wi-Fi is increasingly becoming the preferred mode of internet connection all over the world. Wireless technology has widely spread lately and you can get connected almost anywhere; at home, at work, in libraries, schools, airports, hotels and even in some restaurants. The major advantage of Wi-Fi is that it is compatible with almost every operating …

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