Pourquoi opter pour une connexion internet par satellite ?

Formerly especially solicited by companies, because not very well known to the general public, satellite internet has gradually become more democratic. This is why many individuals are increasingly turning to companies such as GoSat, which specialize in providing Internet via satellite. Indeed, Internet by satellite offers several undeniable advantages compared to traditional solutions such as ADSL, optical fiber or even the mobile network (GSM). But do these benefits outweigh those offered by other types of internet connection? This is what we are going to show you in this new article on satellite connectivity.

What is a satellite connection?

Increasingly used in rural areas by both businesses and individuals, satellite Internet is a mode of access to the Internet network via satellite transmission. This solution is particularly suitable for rural areas served by a broadband connection, and is considered the best alternative for having a fast internet connection.

The main characteristic of satellite internet is its high reliability, since its installation does not require any intermediary: pylons, cables, etc. Thus, whatever your location (desert, open country, sea, etc.) you will always have Internet as long as you are covered by the satellite.

On the other hand, although this solution offers a very high level of performance, security and access availability, the prices are however comparable to those applied by other types of Internet offers such as ADSL, fiber optical or even or GSM.

The icing on the cake is that in addition to the Internet connection, some operators such as GoSat offer their subscribers the possibility of also receiving TV programs broadcast on the same satellites from their dedicated Internet dish.

How it works ?

Three types of equipment are necessary to benefit from Internet by satellite: a satellite antenna, a transmitter/receiver placed on the dish and a modem. Satellite internet works through geostationary satellites orbiting 36,000 kilometers above the Earth.

The data received and sent by the user’s computer is transmitted to the modem connected to a satellite dish fixed on a facade or the roof of the dwelling. The signal then travels considerable distances to the satellites, which immediately transmit the information to a terrestrial reception center of the satellite operator (teleport), connected by optical fiber to the rest of the global network.

The satellite then switches the result of the user’s request received to the dish, hence the expression “two-way satellite internet connection”. Indeed, the signal makes two round trips of 144,000 kilometers from the launch of your request until the reception of the result.

Note that thanks to this system, which does not require an electrical source to operate, satellite internet is generally more reliable in adverse weather conditions such as storms or snow.

Benefits of satellite internet connection?

Compared to other types of internet connection, the satellite internet connection has several advantages:

1. Reliability;
2. Economy;
3. Speed;
4. Availability;
5. Security.

1. Reliable service

Due to the absence of intermediaries (pylons, cables, etc.) during its installation, satellite internet offers its users great reliability thanks to its strong network coverage. Indeed, it provides Internet access regardless of location, whether you are at sea, in the countryside or even in the desert. In addition to a very high level of performance, security and availability of access, the satellite internet connection offers prices comparable to those of ADSL or fiber.

2. Cost-effective installation

The other advantage of satellite internet is that its installation does not require a connection to a telephone line because the installation of a simple satellite dish is enough. Note, however, that the internet service provider will offer you either a purchase and installation package or equipment rental depending on their offers.

3. Fast throughput

Regarding the speed of the flow, Internet by satellite makes it possible to obtain speeds equivalent to ADSL or cable. Indeed, it can produce up to 22Mb/s in reception and up to 6Mb/s in transmission. Note once again that this type of internet connection is mainly aimed at isolated regions where connections are few or non-existent.

4. High availability

The almost total geographical availability and the high loading speed is the main advantage of satellite internet. Indeed, with terrestrial networks such as ADSL, fiber optics, GSM, etc., there are many white areas and remote places whose network installation would require heavy and costly work. Satellite internet is the best alternative in these areas for individuals and professionals.

5. A guarantee in terms of security

Due to its stability, speed and availability, satellite internet guarantees good connectivity between remote sites. It thus ensures better security of equipment and information.


As we have seen, satellite internet has many advantages. Naturally, it is not free from defects, particularly related to the many slowdowns quite commonly encountered. Indeed, although Internet by satellite offers a minimum speed of 10 Mb/s (which may seem insignificant compared to the speed offered by fiber or cable) it should be borne in mind that in certain remote areas where it is difficult to reach 1 Mb/s, it can be worth its weight in gold.

But how do you subscribe to a satellite Internet offer? This will be the subject of our next article.

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