It was on the occasion of the celebration of Easter that the satellite Internet service provider wanted to make this gesture of heart towards the FO-TO-FASY foundation.

I am really very happy as well as the mothers who are also very happy for the donation of wood that we received from AFRIKANET “; these are the terms expressed by Mrs. Sylvie Anastasie KAMNO, President of the TOKAM FAMDIE Foundation and Sympathizers. ” We really thank the company AFRIKANET as well as our honorary president Mr. Casimir Berthier FOTSO who thought of us on the occasion of the celebration of Easter “, she continues.

Indeed, on March 30, as a prelude to the celebration of Christian Easter, the AFRIKANET company in its countless social actions in Cameroon decided to offer a stock of wood, resulting from the construction of its head office in Bafoussam, to the women of the TOKAM FAMDIE Foundation and Sympathizers (FO-TO-FASY) of Bandjoun.

But why offer wood to TOKAM FAMDIE and Sympathizers?

In Africa and Cameroon in particular and more specifically in the Bamiléké region, wood is a vital source of energy for cooking, heating and lighting, especially in rural areas where access to electricity is limited or non-existent. Thus, timber is both an opportunity and a challenge for women in Africa.

It is with this reality that AFRIKANET thought that a donation of wood could only be beneficial for these women, especially since wood represents for her the main fuel for cooking the elements. A point of view shared by Innocent KAPOKO, member of the association who thinks that “ it’s a very good idea which goes in the direction of reducing the hardship of third-age mothers in obtaining firewood ”.

Congratulations to AFRIKANET for this good idea of offering wood to the mothers of the Foundation as well as to the mothers of the neighborhood. Thank you again and above all, a lot of courage to AFRIKANET! exults S olange Yone, also a member of the Foundation.

About the TOKAM FAMDIE Foundation and Supporters?

Created in 2023, the TOKAM FAMDIE and Sympathizers Foundation (FO-TO-FASY) aims to defend the interests of its members by improving the living conditions of vulnerable people through assistance, mutual aid and various supports.

Thus, the TOKAM FAMDIE and Sympathizers Foundation, which is non-profit, apolitical and without distinction of sex or religion, is at the center of all human activity and is located in the department of Koung-Khi and even beyond the province . West and Cameroon. On a daily basis, it forges partnerships with other associations working in the humanitarian field and enables its members to get involved and participate efficiently in the executive elaboration and monitoring of development policies.



Afrikanet Oxford Consultech is a UK registered company, with headquarters in London and our operating offices at the Culham Innovation Center & Science Centre. We operate virtual network hubs in the UK, Germany, Italy and the US on the iDirect platform and build Comtech SCPC for a dedicated link from our teleport partners. All hubs are managed remotely from the company’s Network Center in Oxford and from the Technical Center in Cameroon and Côte d’Ivoire.

Founded in 2003 by CEO Mr. Casimir Berthier Fotso, Afrikanet provides high-speed satellite Internet services to Africa and is an essential telecommunications partner for anyone operating in Africa. Read more >>>>

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