The internet your business deserve
Just how fast is your internet speed? With today’s technological advancement, if you are not using a high speed internet connection, you are letting opportunities to optimise
your business pass you by. A high speed internet connection is vital to allow a business to function efficiently. The internet is an indispensable tool for employees to complete their daily tasks and this also affects their level of productivity and care they can provide for their customers. Thus begins the need for a high speed internet connection. GoSat pro brings to you new packages of 200 GB and 500GB.With GoSat Pro, enjoy fast internet of up to 20Mbps of download. Benefit from free cloud storage, public IP address as well as a free website after subscription to GoSat Pro. With just 260,000FCFA, get 200GB or 500GB for 690,900FCFA.
In the event that you are thinking of shifting your business away from sharing on-site data to an offline site, GoSat pro allows you to easily keep copies of your files in the cloud. This is possible with our free cloud storage and enables workers to access and upload their data to other devices such as laptops and smart phones.
You can count on GoSat pro to set up your virtual meetings through video conferencing even while you are away from the office. Subscribe today and get all the benefits of this package
Special offer : summer 2018
If you still hesitate to activate you GoSat pro subscription, you definitely need to hear this. Our team of web expert will take care of creating a brand new website for your business. Having a commercial or institutional website is a crucial factor of your business expansion. It enables to reach more customers, inform, exchange money and information with no limits. The website will be hosted one of our powerful servers to insure its smooth running over time. Wait no more and get you free website and hosting today for a subscription to GoSat pro (200GB AND 500GB).