As days unfold, Technology evolves and the world is gradually becoming a global village through several discoveries and innovations in all sectors. Since the discovery of the solar PV technology, Researchers and Technologists have not relented their effort in order to improve the efficiency and reliability of this technology. In line with these innovations in solar PV and Thermal technology, AFRIKANET ONELINE SARL being expert in Renewable Energy (Solar photovoltaic energy) and Telecommunications in Cameroon and in several countries in Africa, has as Project to realize « Solar PV power plant ». This is an innovative solution to capture solar energy by a Thermal or Photovoltaic power station in order to generate electricity or heat. The solution mainly has as target to supply small scale industries, Malls, Hotels, Schools, Hospitals and Villages, domestic homes etc.

Fig1: Small PV Power plan for domestic installation.

For its implementation, AFRIKNAET ONLINE SARL targets mostly rural and isolated areas in Cameroon since about 80% of its population still lives in darkness without electricity.

This project has as objective to help nearly 100,000 people to have access to electrical energy required for irrigation, lighting, fish farming, agricultural processing and the supply of drinking water at very low cost; and all these without emitting CO2 to the environment.

We want everyone on our planet to have access to a safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable energy and we are committed to developing innovations that will contribute”. (By AFRIKANET ONLINE SARL SOLAR TEAM).


It is therefore estimated that these “PV Energy power plant” will meet the vital needs of the disadvantaged population; also it will help to develop local virtuous ecosystems, generating value and well-being for the people.

It will in effect improve the living conditions of populations, and thereby developing rural localities in Cameroon and in Africa at large.

This solution can operate independently and it is possible to adapt existing generators with solar modules in order to reduce fuel consumption. Our solution to rural electrification with the construction of solar photovoltaic plants provides constant electricity for example to a village via single or three-phase network, coupling them to electrical counters (Energy consumption meters).

For more information on our services, contact us through +44 1865408566 in Oxford, or +237 242621739 / +237 697533278 in Cameroon or through mail contact@afrikanet.net . /cemac@afrikanet.net/elvis.kenne@afrikanet.com      

Source: http://afrique.le360.ma/cote-divoire-senegal-mali/societe/2016/09/12/5580-microsol-une-solution-pour-resoudre-le-paradoxe-energetique-5580

Written by: Kenne Japhet Elvis
(Solar PV system Designer)
Skype: afrikanet.japhet


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