Digitalisation sets new challenges and opportunities for companies

The rise of all modern technologies has profoundly changed the way of doing business. Globalization has not only connected people, businesses… Anyone can search for a specific product or service on the internet and fall on any website. As the number of internet users is constantly increasing, along come more opportunities for businesses such as

  • Cheap advertising: while advertising unavoidable for many business it might get really expensive while advertising on the internet is far cheaper, even sometimes free
  • Increased visibility: you can, in addition to your local popularity, increase your reach nationwide or even worldwide.
  • Fostered interaction with customers: a website provide you the ability to inform, help your users, and even get feedbacks on your actions
  • Access to information: not only is almost all of the knowledge there is on the internet, but you can also access data about your company activity and your customers
  • Accessibility and automation: unlike a shop, a website is open 24/7 and most of the request and the best thing that all almost all request are automatically treated


the competition on the internet is also very intense, especially the competition for the first few places on SERPs (search engine result page). Just like you wouldn’t want to open a shop in a narrow street, you don’t want users to struggle to find your website.  This means that company have to use modern technology to become effective on the web and the SEO is one of the most crucial tools to stand out from competition on internet.

How to stand out from the crowd in such a competitive environment

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is one of the tools that will help you build your business with prosperity. But, what is it exactly? It is a natural way to be referenced on the Internet, only by using the strength of your website and the choice of relevant keywords. The main goal for companies applying SEO is to improve and maintain the highest ranking on SERPs  to increase visibility. All these results are classified according to the algorithms developed by the search engines. The purpose of this ranking is to provide the most relevant information to researchers and avoid spam. The algorithms analyse all the data provided on the websites in order to give each of them a relevance score.


Website’s construction: many challenges


In order to generate traffic on your website, you have to find which information could draw the more the attention of potentials consumers, what are the most relevant and popular keywords. This means knowing what the keywords the most used by potentials customers are. You can also follow the effect that generates your keywords by the search perception impact.

Companies have to build a website’s architecture as organized as possible. Each page should be clear about it

s specific content. People that come on the website should understand quickly where they are going to find the information that they want. Use clear and adequate tittles and subtitles, with keywords of course. Each webpage’s description has to be different from one another and make   the searcher want to click on it.

You also have to increase your back links (when a person on another website can directly be redirected to your website via a link). Having backlinks starts through Social Medias by publishing interesting news (on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin…), but also in creating affiliation or partnerships with relevant and influent websites among your sectors.


“10/30/60” technical aspect, content, back links

For a perfect natural referencing, do not neglect any aspect of your website. Nonetheless, the expression « 10/30/60 » remind us on which area it is the most important to be focus on. A great SEO leans on 10% of technical aspects, 30% of rich, relevant and unique contents, and 60% of the internet popularity. 

Nowadays, everyone is “speaking” on the internet (companies, people…), but then, we can ask ourselves : who is really listening ? The challenge of the next coming years will be not to speak more than our neighbour, but to speak differently than him. Speaking beyond your product will show that you are more than a simple business providing product, that you can give to your customer another form of value beyond the business sphere. For this reason, don’t forget to be imaginative in your SEO !  


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